Use Gmail to receive and store your personal email for Free!

If you want to make use of IMAP functionality without using all your web hosting space, please follow this basic guide to use gmail as your email provider for a single email address

1.  Create a gmail account
2.  in Cpanel, create an email forwarder to point your email address to your new gmail (EG. forwards to
3.  Create an email address which you will use as an SMTP account (EG.
4.  Log in to gmail, click the settings cog in the top right, and then select settings.
5.  Go to accounts and import
6.  Under "Send Mail As", click "Add another email address you own"
7.  Enter your Name, and your custom email address (EG., Next
8.  Enter the details of the SMTP account you created in step 3. (EG, SMTP:, user:, Password: As Set up in your cpanel)
9.  Gmail will now email you a confirmation email. This will arrive in your gmail inbox, find the email, copy the code and enter it into the box provided.
10. In Gmail, click the settings cog, select settings, go to Accounts and import.
11. Under "Send Mail As", on the right of your email address you have just added, click "make default"
12. Under "When replying to a message:" Select "Always reply from default address (currently

You are now set up to send and receive emails using gmail, with your personal email address (

If you want to use imap so you can use gmail in your computers email program, you have a few more steps.

13. In Settings, select "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" 
14. Under IMAP Access, select "Enable IMAP"
15. Now you can set up your imap account in your favorite email app using the following settings:
  • Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server - Requires SSL
    • Port: 993
    • Requires SSL:Yes
  • Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - Requires TLS
    • Port: 465 or 587
    • Requires SSL: Yes
    • Requires authentication: Yes
    • Use same settings as incoming mail server
  • Full Name or Display Name: John Doe
  • Account Name or User Name: your full Gmail address (
  • Email address: your full Email address (
  • Password: your Gmail password

Congratulations, you now have all the benefits of Gmail while using your own personal email.

Please dont hesitate to open a ticket should you require assistance with this.

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